Two months. I honestly can not believe it has been two months since I started this project. Even more so, I can't believe I have successfully kept it going for two months. After that first, rough week where I felt like I was going to die from the sickness of death, I thought for sure it was going to crash and burn in a horrible, fiery wreck before ever really getting off the ground. Good thing about that, if it did happen, was that no one would have noticed or cared, or missed it once it was gone.
Two months later, that is no longer the case. I am proud to say I have built up a nice little readership here at The Noyse, as people seem genuinely interested in my attempt to play a new game every day for an entire year and then ramble on about it in some form or fashion. Honestly though, I can't hardly take any credit for doing anything to build the fan base up, other than to fall into some dumb luck. If it wasn't for the amazing support I have gotten from some really awesome people and sites, I would still be writing this for my own amusement. If you want to know who all is helping me along in this journey, head over to the "SUPPORT" page and check out the friends of The Noyse, and please, check out what they are doing with their own sites and projects. Two months in, 59 games down, and boy, has it been fun. I am experiencing, playing and rediscovering games in a way that was never possible before this project. Sure, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, as I have made some sacrifices for the sake of keeping the project going as planned. For one, my sleep is almost non-existent at this point, managing a few mere hours a night. I've always been a nocturnal night owl, and have battled with insomnia most of my life. But choosing to stay up and feeling forced to stay up to accomplish something are two different feelings, and the latter scenario seems to be more physically and mentally draining. Also, I find that I am almost doing more damage to my gaming ADD condition, as finishing games feels harder and more overwhelming before, due to having to play other games in addition to the ones I am trying to finish. Of course, that could have a lot to do with all the amazing and fun games that have come out and will be coming out in the next couple of months. Two months and still going strong. I have a few more editorials to go along with my PS4 announcement reaction article that I hope to get out soon. Like I tweeted out today, I am finding it hard to balance my available free time with stuff I want to write and games I need to play. But I promise to get them out. I want to write more than just the daily blogs, and show a little versatility. Two months is still a long way from a complete year - 1/6 of the way, to be exact. Yet I am already starting to think about, plan and worry what will happen come January 1st, 2014. By then, I hope to have something sturdy in place to keep on doing, well, something. I don't quite know what, but I do know that I don't want to just pack up my opinions and leave the wonderful community starting to form. So we will see. I know it's only two months, but the last 10 will go quicker than you think, and quicker than I want them to, for sure. Thank you all, for two months of support. All I can hope for is that I will continue to deliver blog postings worthy of your time to read on a daily basis, and that if you do enjoy what I am trying to do, you pass it on to people who might also appreciate it. I can't just keep writing about the last two months, however. I do have the first post to write for March. While I need to take time to reflect on what's happened thus far, that clock keeps ticking and the calendar keeps turning over daily. Here we go...
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Games played for project : 365 Archives
February 2014