So ... the PS4 was officially, finally announced yesterday at a press conference in New York. While this turned the industry into a frenzy of media hype, which basically bogged down any internet connection even thinking about logging into something relating to video games, breaking twitter and causing fanboys and haters alike to overreact all at once, it is easy to get caught up in it all. Trust me, it's VERY easy. I wanted to be as excited as everyone else. I really did. I was nervous and tense and excited all rolled into one before the conference started, and while I was unable to watch it (thanks, Internet!), I did keep tabs on it via Twitter, since all but maybe 3 feeds were tweeting non-stop about what was going on. By the time it was over, I was left pleased yet disappointing, excited yet confused. Let's break down all the key announcements so I can explain my thoughts and feelings on it all better.
FINAL OPINION (FOR NOW) Was I blown away by the announcement of the PS4? No, not exactly. I am so deep into still experiencing everything the PS3 has to offer, that I don't feel like I NEED anything new, although the promises made of how this system will run is exciting. I don't like the "share" function being forced down my throat as a mostly 1-player gamer, but I am in the minority on that one and I can appreciate that. The graphical and technical power of the PS4 look damn impressive, and there is no arguing that. I am not happy about my PS3 collection of games being obsolete once this thing launches, but I am saying that from my perspective now. By "Holiday 2013" that could drastically change. All in all, I think I am being sold on potential, and that potential is promising. Will I be getting a PS4 on launch day? At this point, unless it is more that $500, I am pretty confident that I will, if only so that I don't get behind in experiencing the generation of systems. And hey, as long as my trophies migrate over, I'll be kosher with it all. Now I can't wait to see what Microsoft has up their sleeve, as I can't even wrap my head around what new features they can possibly show off or brag about at this point.
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February 2014