![]() Here's the deal. I don't know if I am getting sick (a likely outcome after my immune system was bombed with nuclear missiles while at Disneyland, the home of thousands of snotty-nosed kids), or my body is just trying to tell me that I haven't fully recovered from the sheer exhaustion of the trip. Either way, I had a lot more planned for tonight's gaming blog, but I just don't have it in me tonight. It was all I could do to pull myself off the couch long enough to write up this posting, since all I want to do is get sleep. But, a commitment is a commitment, right? The show must go on, as they say. Today, my first day back to work in almost a week, I spent most of it listening to one podcast after another, trying to catch up on the backlog I accumulated by going on vacation. On one of them, the Everyday Gamers Podcast to be specific, they mentioned a game that inspired me to play it tonight for the blog. Retro City Rampage, the perfect example of a game that sounds great on paper, but doesn't live up to the hype. It's not that it's a bad game, I just hoped it was better than it turned out to be. I've already played it a few times before tonight, after getting it for free with PS+ on both my PS3 and my Vita. The game itself is designed to be a love letter of sorts to the 8-bit gaming generation, where it takes inspiration from several different gaming franchises and pop culture references. It is meant to feel like the original Grand Theft Auto games, with an "open-world" being played from a top-down perspective. It also transitions to 2D platforming on certain missions, mixing the two styles pretty seamlessly. While the game is creative in the countless references it has in it, the actual playing of the game gets boring and tedious after a while. The idea of a new-yet-nostalgic game is fantastic, I must admit, but the execution of said idea is less than desirable in this attempt. When Mega Man 9 and 10 were released, they were critically praised for being new games designed to look like the original 8-bit Mega Mans. That idea worked. Retro City Rampage's idea just doesn't, unfortunately. It's a new game made to look like an old game, yes, but every time you come across a really cool old school gaming reference, you realize you would rather be playing that game then Retro City. I give them an A for effort, and I'm sure there is plenty for people to find in it to get some enjoyment, just don't expect to be blown away. On a brighter note, I FINALLY got to start BioShock Infinite tonight. If I felt better, I would probably still be playing it, but alas, the sandman is calling. I bet I will dream of Columbia, though. I hope so, at least.
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February 2014