![]() I started this game several months ago, before I had seen the tie-in movie. At the time, I didn't fully realize that the game was a tie-in to the movie, so as I'm starting it up and getting deep into the storyline, I start to notice that just maybe I was spoiling certain plot points of the movie I had yet to see. That instantly made me uninterested in the game, for the fact that I hate having movies spoiled. I didn't know how closely the game was following the the movie, but I figured it had to be pretty close, and that was enough for me. So now, after seeing (and enjoying, which I didn't think would happen) the movie, I'm ready to get back into the game. Can't say that I will chase after the Platinum trophy or anything, mainly because it takes a lot of open-world collecting and grinding, but I think I'm ready to enjoy the Spider-Man universe. Actually, playing it again, this is by far the prettiest, best looking Spider-Man game I can remember playing. The controls of swinging, and especially combat, are very fluid and effortless, and feels like they took a page from the newest Batman games ... which isn't a bad thing at all. I've always been a big Spider-Man fan, but his games have never really felt like they gave his character and personality justice. With this newest game, I think they captured it perfectly. Of course, that might be because the movie did such a great job at reinventing the wheel, and the storyline, and maybe the game was just fortunate enough to reap the benefits from it. And in case you were wondering, no, I didn't play this game with PlayStation Move, as the box art implies I can. I don't own the Move peripherals, and don't plan on ever doing so. Hell, I wouldn't own a Kinect for the Xbox 360 if I hadn't won it for free in a contest. I Oh, and I was going to do a recap of the month of January for me, but tonight is just crazy. I still might in the wee hours of night, or even tomorrow. I just needed to make sure I got this blog post done for sure.
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February 2014