For this post, I want to bring you back behind the curtain a little bit. The game I chose to play isn't just a one-day game, but instead, the start of a project within the project of my year long adventure in gaming. Yes, I decided to play Wii Fit U, for the Wii U, but by doing so, I am beginning a daily exercise regiment using video games as motivation. I'm going to play and utilize the game and all the great exercises and activities for a month, playing it every day if possible, to see what kind of results I can get from it. My initial goal is five pounds lost in the first two weeks, and hopefully I can work my way to the goal. After a month, and hopefully two goals met, I'm truly hoping that I can see clear results, and will want to continue the program for as long as possible. For now, though, let's give it a month. And I'll report back in ever week or so to give you updates on how it's going, in case you are curious at all. Granted, it is the holiday season, which is the absolute worst time to try and lose some weight, but hey, let's see what happens The full retail game itself isn't available to buy just yet, but if you still have your old balance board - covered in dust and all - you can download the free 31 day trial and check out the game yourself. In December, they are releasing the full game, and also the balance board to go along with it, for those who didn't jump on the Wii Fit U train many years ago when everyone, especially their mothers, thought the Wii, Wii Fit and the balance board peripheral was the bees' knees. Here's the catch. For the Wii Fit U game, they are adding a second accessory to the mix, this time in the form of a pedometer, which they are calling the Nintendo Fit Meter. It functions just like any other pedometer for the most part, keep track of the steps you take, calories you burn and other essential information regarding your movement throughout the day. So why is this a big deal, or even necessary, you ask? Well, because it syncs up with your Wii U GamePad when you tell it to, instantly transferring your daily data through the GamePad and right in to the game itself, adding another layer of your fitness progress stat keeping. Instead of just tracking your exercises you do every time you play, you now get to add your daily activity to your daily report. The thing is, if you buy this Fit Meter for twenty bucks, and sync it up with your trial version of Wii Fit U by early next year (I think it was January 31), then you automatically unlock the entire, full version of the game - FOR FREE! That's right. For twenty bucks, if you have the balance board already, you essentially get the entire package. Not a bad deal for storing that board under your entertainment center or coffee table for all these years, right? Anyway, of course that's what I did. And I made a commitment to wearing the Fit Meter at all times. So far, so good. Just clips right on to my belt, so I hardly even notice it's there. Also, the games, exercises and routines in the Wii Fit U game are pretty much what you would remember from the original Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus games, just in "HD" for the new system, of course. There are some new activities sprinkled in as well, but they didn't try to reinvent the wheel here. They were happy with the fitness mini-games they created the first time around, and saw no reason to change it up, just add to it. I will confess, however, that the whole time I was working out and saw the Trainer, all I could think about was that character being in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game, and how badly I want to play it. Like, I would stop this blog right now if I could get my hands on that game right now. I'm that excited. So yeah, there you have it. In a week, I'll put up a little something detailing my progress just for those interested in how it's going. Either way, I'm doing this for me, and that's the key. I'm just nice enough to let your voyeurs peep behind the curtains a bit.
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February 2014