For today's game, I worked a bit on Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. This is a game I have been plugging away at for a little while now, playing in short increments at a time, trying to get the Platinum trophy for it. I got the Platinum for Sly Cooper last year, and then when Sly 4: Thieves in Time was announced for the PS3 and PS Vita (cross-buy!), I got really excited about the series again and decided to go back and finish 2 and 3, thanks to the wonderful Sly Cooper Collection released back in 2010. Playing this game, it makes me really excited for what the next game will bring to the table. While I was bummed that they ditched the clue bottles to collect throughout the game, the addition of all the types of new game play (RC car racing, plane dogfights, etc.) helped make the game special and feel unique, not just a rehashing of the older games. Tonight I was playing chapter 4, where Bentley recruits Panda King (from Sly 1) to join the group. I really enjoy playing as more than the main 3 characters, and I really like the fact that the new characters offer different types of attacks and game play mechanics as well. And the part when you got to play as Carmalita and had to "attack" Sly, but in reality was unknowingly charging the battery? That was fantastically clever. The Sly games have always offered really good story telling, and this game is no different. In fact, it may even be the best story of the 3, with all the different stories intertwined, from Penelope being the Black Baron, and Panda King fighting his internal self while trying to rescue his daughter. Another thing, while probably overlooked by many, is the fact that Bentley is now in a wheel chair due to the accident he had at the end of the last game. In the genre of platformers, and "cartoonish" games, it's really refreshing to see them actually implement story elements from one game to the next. This game is really making me excited for the next installment. Not only is the "cross-buy" feature that Sony has implemented in some recent games an amazing feature for owners of both systems, the promise of being able to use the Vita for in-game features when playing on the PS3 is looking to be a rad bonus. Can't wait, plain and simple. Now if you excuse me, I have some more pockets to loot. My Year of Gaming – Project Stats
Games played: 3 Systems played on: NES = 1, PS Vita = 1, PS3 = 1 Total time played: 6 hours
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Games played for project : 365 Archives
February 2014