Sometimes, life is just flat out busy. On top of a swamped work day and the everyday craziness of every weeknight in our household, I also started a massive Super Bowl cake that I need to deliver Wednesday morning. (Yes, I make cakes - another story for a much less busier time, my friends.) So because of all of that, and the sheer amount of time I am going to have to dump into this cake project the next couple of days - and then another cake in a couple more days for an actual Super Bowl party - gaming is going to need to be squeezed in whenever possible. So today, I managed to squeak in some Chronovolt on my very brief lunch break. I intended to write about it then, but I simply didn't have the time to try and do it on my phone. So here I sit, taking a break from my cake, to write about it. Chronovolt is a game for the PS Vita, that was free for PS Plus members. It's a cross between steampunk style and Super Monkey Ball game play. You control your little ball, or Chronosphere, through levels, picking up items, collecting power ups and trying to get three stars for each level. Pretty simple concept, which is the best thing it has going for it. The storyline, if you want to call it that, is a bore, and forces you to skip through it in the middle of levels. The dialogue is cheesy and once I start a level and get the ball rolling (yes, pun intended), I just want to play the level. I don't want to be stopped here and there to listen to some nonsensical story I don't care about. The controls work fine, and the power ups are a nice touch, like rewinding time to stop you from falling off ledges and what not, but overall, I was pretty unimpressed. Maybe I was just too busy to be in a true gaming mood, but either way, it was just ... blah. All I can say is that I'm glad it was free. Sure, there will be a few trophies here and there to pick up in it, but it's not a game I plan on sinking any serious time into. Especially this week. Sorry in advance, everyone, if my blog posts the rest of the week seem short and too the point. You can't have your cake and eat it to, as they say.
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February 2014