![]() Do you ever play a game, and even if it is a decent one, it still makes you just think about wanting to play a completely different game instead? Not that it's a bad game, but you know there is another game of similar genre and style that is just simply better or more fun, and as much as you try to get in to and really enjoy what you are playing, your mind just drifts away to the other game? Of course you do, but as normal gamers, you can easily transition from one game to the next, provided you have the game you want to play. If you don't, well, then your out of luck. For me, however, especially in the context of this blog, when I'm playing one game for the blog, I can't just go and switch on a whim. I have to be dedicated to the project. Besides, if I switch and want to write about the other game, then I'll have to play the first game again if I want to add it to the blog. So instead, I'll just bite the bullet and play the first game, write about it, and try to move on. I played Big Sky Infinity. I've had this game sitting on my hard drive of my PS3 and my memory card of my Vita for what seems like forever, pretty much untouched. It was a cross-buy game from the PSN, that may have actually went free on PS Plus sometime after I bought it, but I may be mistaken. Regardless, I bought it, thinking I would love it, as it is a twin-stick shooter, with the shtick being that the game progressively adjusts the difficulty of itself as you play, depending on how well or terrible you are doing. Seems good on paper, and while it is serviceable for what it is, all it did was make me want to play Super Stardust Delta on my Vita, and even more than that, the upcoming Resogun on the PS4, made by the same people responsible for Super Stardust Delta. I'm sorry, but that game looks AMAZING, and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Sounds weird that one of my most anticipated games for the "next-gen" consoles is a downloadable PSN title, but hey, the heart can't help what it wants. Anyway, I'll probably keep the game on my Vita for now, as mindless twin-stick shooters are good to keep around for random moments of boredom and quick fun, but I need space on my PS3 hard drive, so I don't think it will make the cut. At least I gave it a shot, though, even if I wanted to play something else the entire time.
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Games played for project : 365 Archives
February 2014