![]() Well, I've always vowed to try and keep this blog fresh on a day to day basis. Sometimes I think I do a pretty good job at that, and other times, I feel the repetitiveness that I'm sure everyone else see when they read it. Of course, 257 days in, and things like this are bound to happen. So for this entry, I'm going to do something I've yet to do up until now; I'm going to post an entry written by someone else. Now, in the interest of fairness, let me give you some context. A couple months back, my buddy from Cleveland, Bill Slate (@The_pizz4_guy on Twitter), sent me a copy of Bulletstorm to play and write about on the blog. He did it unexpectedly, which was so awesome and appreciated, I had to oblige his request. So I beat the game and wrote about it, and it turned out to be a really cool post. After that, I was feeling like I needed to swing karma in the positive direction myself, so I sent him a copy of Dishonored to play and enjoy. I told him I wanted to know his experience, just out of sheer curiosity, but he took it one step further. He wrote up a little blog post in hopes of being the first guest blogger I've had in this year long project. At this point, I can't really deny any request of his, so for the first time, I'll post a write up about a game that someone else played. But don't worry. I fired up my copy of Dishonored for the PS3, despite wanting to hold off on starting yet another game, just to keep the streak alive of playing a new game every day. But I won't write about it or tell you what I think. Instead, I'll let Slaterific do it. Hello, dear readers of The Noyse's blog. I'm stepping in for today to give Josh a much needed day off. Since the blog must go on, so I'm here to tell you about the game I played today. See, Josh is awesome. To say thank you to me for hyping the blog and himself, he sent me a care package. It was a handwritten letter, plus a 360 copy of Dishonored. Remember Day 21, Game 21 - Mark of the Ninja? I do. I played it for the first time just a few months ago. While I liked it just fine, I was left wanting more. I wanted more out of the game setting. Something like the newer Batman games. A real world to walk around in, to explore. Not just a 2D side-scroller. Dishonored is that game I wanted. Its sets up with you as Corvo, the Empress' bodyguard, framed for her murder, as well as her daughter's kidnapping. You get helped by members of council that know you didn't kill her, or kidnap her daughter. That's where it gets good. Your base camp is on the outskirts of the main city. Dishonored is set back in the olden days, and the plague is running rampant. Now Corvo is sent out to break into the city, find the Empress' daughter, the people to clear his name, and to put the correct people in rule again. The thing is, you need to do all this and not get caught by the roaming guards. Along with your sword, pistol, and crossbow, you get access to supernatural powers. Blink is a lot like a power you get in Mark of the Ninja. Pull the left trigger, select where you want to end up and - "blink" - there you are. You can possess enemies as well as rats and fish to get around other enemies and to gain access to restricted areas. One of the oddest but helpful things you get is a heart that will help locate hidden items. These items will be used to upgrade your other powers. There are advantages to staying stealthy, not killing anyone and being as ghost like as possible. That's not my style so I'm interested in seeing what happens for me as I finish this game. Thank you Bill, for everything. My dear readers, give him a shout out on Twitter and let him know how awesome he is. And get used to seeing his name on this blog. From what I heard around the water cooler, he may have something to do with Phase 2 of TheNoyse.com starting next year. We'll see!
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Games played for project : 365 Archives
February 2014