I have tons of new games to play. Literally, tons of games, in the non literal sense, of course. I have games I started for this blog that I never have made it back to, I have games I've downloaded that I've never installed, games I've bought that I haven't even taken the wrapper off, and of course, games I have that I haven't been back to play and write about for this blog, that I started before this year. Shank 2 is one of those games, and to be real with you all, the only reason for me going back and playing it now was to hopefully clear up some unfinished games on my PS3 hard drive so I can start working on untouched ones, finally. Essentially, I'm trying to clear up what we like to call in the industry, my backlog. If only so that I can start adding more games to it, one at a time. Shank 2 was one of the first games I downloaded when I got my PS3 thanks to PS Plus. Over a year ago, when I first jumped in, Sony was offering free games as part of the service, but they were no where near the awesome monthly titles we see now. It was a spattering of games, usually indie or PSN titles, which was fine and dandy, but let's be real. It wasn't even close to what they give us every month now. Regardless, I snagged Shank 2 back then, and played it for a while before being distracted by some other game. Since then, I have kept it at the bottom of my hard drive, waiting to be played again, at some point. Maybe even be beaten as well! So, I played it. I wanted to give it another shot, and either beat it, or decide if it's worth keeping around if I don't with the intent to beat it at some point. Sure, it's not a huge game and not taking up a bunch of precious gigabytes, but the more games I can get rid of now, the more new games I can put on the hard drive. That's my logic, at least. Anyway, this game is fun, I suppose. It's your typical side-scrolling beat'em up game, and the art style is very comic book-ish, which is really cool. The storyline is a little bizarre, but a rogue mercenary out for vengeance always seems to work in games, however it is presented. It's not a hard game, and while the combat is enjoyable, it gets tedious after a while, as do most beat'em games like this one. I didn't get through the game, but I think I've played enough of it to be satisfied with it and not worry about having to finish it. So with that, I deleted it from my hard drive and will wipe my hands clean of Shank 2. Thankfully, if I ever get that itch to ever beat it, driven by sheer boredom, then I could always just re-download it at a later time. Or I could just finally buy a bigger hard drive for the PS3, replace it with the one that's in there and have all my games at my fingertips, like I have been talking about forever. As if thinking about my backlog wasn't bad enough, looking at the entire thing would be maddening.
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February 2014