![]() It's not secret - well, it shouldn't be at least - that I'm not a huge fan of mobile games. For the most part, I don't seem to find the same type of gaming experience or enjoyment that I normally would with console or handheld gaming. The substance is lacking immersion into the game, and usually it just feels like I'm playing the mobile games just to kill time, when other forms of gaming aren't readily available. Well, I wish I could say that playing Tiny Wings was a different experience and completely changed how I looked at mobile gaming. Unfortunately that's just not the case. I had my iPad with me for work, for no other reason than to combat possible boredom on a slow Friday at the end of a busy work week. Thanks to the 5 year anniversary celebration of the iTunes App Store, and the free games that they gave away to thank all those loyal to the brand, I got Tiny Wings for free on the iPad. I had purchased the regular version a couple years ago when it first came out, but the iPad version (like most games) has an upgraded HD version to coincide with the big, beautiful retina display of the newest iPad. While the normal game is quite sufficient, it's always nice to take advantage of the upgraded awesomeness of HD games. So, Tiny Wings. It's a serviceable game. It does it job as fulfilling the credentials of being a mobile game, and does it quite well. It's a one-touch game, where tapping anywhere on the screen sends your bird dive-bombing to the bumpy landscape below, in which you utilize gravity and momentum to propel yourself forward as you let go of your touch to launch your bird back in the air. Your goal is to pick up coins, gobble up speed boosts and basically get as far as you can before the sun completely sets for the day. High scores are the main reason for playing over and over again, while completing challenges throughout your play sessions adds to your success rate. That's about it, really. It's short, quick games fueled by the drive to get higher scores and basically, just kill free time. Sure, it's a very aesthetically pleasing game, but let's not beat around the bush. It's still a mobile game, and that's all that it will ever be.
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February 2014