![]() When you think of Nintendo as a gaming company, you don't typically associate them with the shooter-genre type of video games. Platformers, casual gaming, amazing IPs? Sure, those are fit the bill when you're talking about the company responsible for Mario. Zelda and the cute little GameCube. But shooters? Nope, not even close to the top of the list as far as word association goes. Let us not forget, though, dear readers, that Nintendo is single-handily responsible for beginning the shooter revolution. Might I remind you of a little game called Duck Hunt, the game where shooting was all you did? Where every kid had a light gun they could pretend was a real one, where sitting as close to the TV was optimal in order to get the best shot off, and while it wasn't technically defined as one, the FPS was established in the main stream video game universe. We can't stop there, though. Remember the Super Scope, the peripheral for the SNES that essentially was used for more specific and non-common weapons in games, like the sniper rifle or bazooka? Man, that thing was awesome. Anyway, the shooter genre has been ingrained into Nintendo's long, rich history since the beginning, subtly creating one of the most successful genres of games in the industry today, which some could argue is driving the industry as a whole. Just think about that next time you play the word association game and you pull "Nintendo" out of the hat of possible words. With that, I played Sniper Elite V2 for the Wii U. While this game came out well over a year before the Wii U version, on all the other consoles, I wanted to try it out on the Wii U to pay homage to what the Nintendo company has done as far as Shooters are concerned. This game is a fun sniper game, but nothing breathtaking. The close-quarter combat is forgettable at best, but the game excels at the sniper aspect. I suppose it better considering the name of the game, right? I have to admit, that I am an absolute sucker for snipers in games. If there is a sniper class to pick from, I will usually go that direction (remember Monday Night Combat? Sniper all the way, baby). I think its the intensity coupled with the ability to take my time and methodically pick off enemies as I see fit, from safe distances. And every shot a sniper takes has to be perfect, because missing is not an option. you have to be perfect, and that drive is all the motivation I need sometimes. This game gives me that feeling tenfold. It's a fun, serviceable game, like I said, but nothing that will take me away from other games. Apparently there was a lot of grief because the Wii U version is a stripped down version of the game, lacking online multiplayer and DLC, but honestly, unless you played the game on other consoles already, why would you miss something you knew nothing about? Best thing about this shooter is no dumb (yet totally awesome) peripheral is required to be the ultimate sniper. Also, no dogs to laugh at your mistakes. Sounds like a win-win to me.
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