![]() What is the opposite of a pallet cleanser? Usually you use a pallet cleanser to rid yourself of the guilt or shamefulness of enjoying something horrible or socially unacceptable. But in this case, I needed something horrific and brutal to make up for playing Monsters University: Catch Archie yesterday. So with that, I played one of my top 10 favorite games on the Wii system, MadWorld, which for the most part, wen grossly under appreciated an unnoticed from the general population of gamers. But for me, this game was awesome, beautiful and over the top in ways I didn't think were possible coming from the "system for casual gamers," the Nintendo Wii. Playing this game again made me fully appreciate it once again, as I had started to forget just how fun this game is. It is completely designed in black and white, with each color being used perfectly to accent each other and honestly create a fantastic looking game. There is a little more than black and white, however, coming in the color red, which of course, is used to show the pints and pints of blood spilled during the playing of this game. Your character looks like he is straight out of Gears of War, as he feels completely overpowered compared to the enemies he is fighting - which is awesome. In a game like this, you should feel like a completely dominant freak of nature. The game isn't built around stealth or strategy, but straight up violence, carnage and brutality. Oh, the violence. This is not a game to play with, around or in the same city as kids. It is bloodier than you could possible imagine. The ways to kill people is extreme and creative, as you get more points for chaining violence together into crazy, ridiculous and fearsome kills. And it's awesome. I realize I have said the word "awesome" a lot in this write-up, but man, if there is any game deserving of that sort of repetition, it's MadWorld. When people point to Nintendo or the Wii in general as being a "kiddie" system, I always - always - point back to this game as an argument as to what Nintendo is capable of pushing out and allowing, when they see fit. Now can we get a sequel, please?
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February 2014