![]() The Wii wasn't exactly designed to be a mature-gaming console experience. It was aimed at hitting the casual gaming market from the get-go, and that it did - and did it well. But that didn't stop Capcom from publishing one of the biggest mature-rated game on the Wii, which of course was Resident Evil 4. The game was originally released on the Gamecube, but was later brought to the Wii, mainly to take advantage of the unique controller that the Wii brought to the table. Playing this game again reminded me of how fun it was, and still is, to the Wiimote to aim and fire your weapon of choice. The controls, especially using the nunchuck to control your character. But honestly, aiming and headshotting zombies using the Wiimote to point at the screen is oddly entertaining. The best part about it is that it works well, with little lag and almost perfect responsiveness. This in its own right was an accomplishment for not only the game, but the system itself. Another memorable thing about this game is a noise. Not just any noise, but THE noise. Anyone who has played this game knows exactly what noise I am talking about: the chainsaw. Oh man, that chainsaw. Easily of the most recognizable sounds in any video game, and after you experience it for the first time, you will never hear that sound again without knowing, and fearing, what's coming next. Spoiler alert: It's a bad thing. For a game that was originally developed to be on Nintendo consoles exclusively, the game doesn't hold anything back, when it comes to mature concepts, blood and gore, that lovely foul language and sheer tension. And I couldn't be happier with it. This was the first game that longtime Resident Evil fans were legitimately up in arms about, specifically for it focusing heavily on action and less on "survival-horror." But much like the evolution of Nintendo consoles to allow M-rated games, the Resident Evil franchise had to evolve as well.
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February 2014