![]() I'm a sucker. I can be talked in to anything, as long as the seller takes the right angle with me. Normally, I can be pretty hard-headed, stubborn and stuck in my ways.But if the right sales pitch comes around, i'll bite quicker than a starving great white shark at a water park. Today, it happened again. My good buddy Chris (@HolyHeadShot) from Everyday Gamers, randomly suggested to me via twitter Super House of Dead Ninjas to play for this blog. Now, knew he had played this before and thought very fondly of the game, but despite all that, when he suggested it, I put it in my bank of "sure, I'll get around to picking it up, but for now, I have too much to play," where I have PLENTY of games stored. And then the sales pitch happened. No, it didn't come from Chris. But after he tweeted about it, the twitter feed for Adult Swim Games replied to us both, reminding us that it was half price TODAY and TODAY ONLY to buy the game via Steam, and then signed off with one of the phrases I use more than I should: "JUST SAYING." Great, the actual publisher is now tweeting at me, backing up suggestions from friends of which games to play, reminding me the game is on sale, and then finishing with my own catch phrase? You won, Adult Swim Games. Good game. So naturally, after I realized they had won the battle I didn't even know had started, I tweeted back to them saying I was going to buy, play and write about Super House of Dead Ninjas for my blog. And I also told them that, I too, was "JUST SAYING." They immediately Favorited by post, all but signing the other half of the contract I typed in blood. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not getting anything for doing this. I bought the game legitimately and am writing about it on my own accord, with no influence from the outside, no $20 handshakes and no pressure. I say all that because this game rocks. And I didn't want to seem biased when I stated that. It's a 16-bit art styles, with sprites and everything, and it looks like something I would have played as a kid on my Super Nintendo, for sure. The controls are tight, the game play is fun and it has dead ninjas in it, for crying out loud. There isn't anything about this game that wouldn't make it awesome. Sure, it seems like it could be pretty short, and the boss battles feel like weak version of Dr. Willy's robots from the Mega Man games, but that's not a bad thing, it's just a thing. Look, the game is fun. It brings me back with the retro-feel of it, and while it's a ninja game, it's not based on stealth, but rather speed and accuracy. This is great, because honestly, I can't handle another stealthy ninja game. If Ninja Gaiden was fun and not the hardest thing in the world, that would be this game. So yeah, I liked it. And I got talked into buying it by the publisher directly. Because I'm a sucker. A sucker for great sales tactics, a sucker for twitter love and a sucker for retro-looking games. Deal with it.
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February 2014