![]() Let's see a show of hands here: who remembers the Dreamcast? And I'm not talking about just knowing about it and remembering that it was a thing, but who actually remembers the most before-its-time gaming console ever? Aside from not being able to actually see who is raising their hand, I'm going to assume that there isn't many people who owned one originally, or played it extensively. Maybe I am totally wrong, but it seems like people's memories of it usually consist of just remembering it came out, or a few specific games, not actually investing tons of time (or money for that matter) into the console itself. Well, I never owned one before, back in the day, but one of my good friends got one when it first came out, and I spent a LOT of time over there playing all the coolest games that no one else had, like the NBA and NFL 2K games, Crazy Taxi and of course, Jet Set Radio (or Jet Grind Radio as it was known back then upon it's initial release). Tonight, I played Jet Set Radio. But I didn't play it on Dreamcast, unfortunately. While I have the system now (thanks to my good buddy James, @SirJamezTown), I don't own the game for it. I have it on my Vita, however, thanks to PS+, but tonight, I played it on Steam. I got it through Steam thanks to an awesome dude and a huge reason that I am where I am today in this crazy internet universe, Eric (AZrockslide) from Everyday Gamers. He was awesome and gifted me the game for no reason whatsoever, other than he thought I would like it. Well, Eric, you were right. I love this game, and I love that I now have it on PC as well. The game play itself is fun, rolling around the streets on your sweet roller-blades. I love skating around, tagging things as I go, as it makes me feel so rebellious. Actually, I have always enjoyed and appreciated the art of graffiti. If it wasn't done illegally, I think it would be more widely accepted. Better than all of that, however, is the soundtrack. What an amazing mix of music. I just ride around the game, not even worrying about missions, just to hear the soundtrack. By far, it is the highlight of the gaming experience. So go dust of your old Dreamcasts if you got them, and fire up some Jet Grind Radio. Or buy it on PSN, XBLA or Steam, if you wish to be more "modern." Thanks again, Eric. Keep up being awesome.
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February 2014