![]() I hate getting derailed throughout my day. I like to plan my day out as much as possible (not taking in to consideration the stuff that pops up for work, however), and I like to stick to my daily plans as much as possible. With this blog and the project that I decided to take on, I have really tried to coordinate my game playing time. Not necessarily what game to play (although I do put some thought into it), but when to fit my gaming in. Today, like many other days this year, was one of those days. I stumbled upon a new iOS game out that is set to take America by storm. Now, it might be out for Android too, but I don't know for sure and frankly, don't care. This game shouldn't exist in the first place, if only because it is bound to derail me many more times in the future, along with anyone else unlucky enough to download this new, free hotness of the mobile gaming universe. Dots is as straight forward as it gets. There is a screen full of different colored dots, there is a timer set and your only goal is to connect two or more dots of the same color by tracing a line with your finger. You want to connect as many dots as possible in the given time limit. Once your time is up, it gives you your score and you compare it with your previous high scores and other friends' scores that might be playing it as well. Then, you do it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And ... you get the point. I have tried to stay away from mobile gaming. I have so many great, amazing games on consoles sitting there on my shelf, waiting for me to play and enjoy them. But no, I keep getting sucked in by these stupid, annoyingly addicting mobile games that are keeping me from the actual game playing I want to do. Today was one of those days. Stupid Dots. I hope you all go out and download it and get sucked in as well. Maybe then I won't feel as bad. Just don't try to beat my high score, because I don't have any more time to spend with this game. I have real games to play. Hopefully. Maybe tomorrow.
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Games played for project : 365 Archives
February 2014